Veeva Importer:
Multi-threading for upload content process (#59158)
Upload content using File Staging REST API (#59680)
Added object type order when importing Veeva Objects (#59085)
Updated to use API 21.2 (#59343)
Veeva Scanner:
Multi-threading for download content process (#59158)
Retrieving inactive dictionary value from Veeva (#59516)
Scan new audit trails in Delta scan (#59641)
Download the content from FTP by using REST API (#59160)
Updated to use API 21.2 (#59684)
Removed SQLJUTL package dependency which caused errors on certain Oracle DBs (#59700)
SharePoint Online Importer:
Removed the need for having minor versions enabled when importing folder updates (#59570)
InfoArchvie Importer:
Using Java 8 when generating large PDI files may result in incorrect values in the PDI file (#59214)
Veeva Importer:
objectsOrder feature is ignored if it does not contain all object_name values from the migset (#59981)
Setting object_name values that don't exist in Veeva in objectOrder does not throw error (#59980)