
Migration Set A migration set comprises a selection of objects (documents, folders) and set of rules for migrating these objects. A migration set represents the work unit of migration-center. Objects can be added or excluded based on various filtering criteria. Individual transformation rules, mapping lists and validations can be defined for a migration set. Transformation rules generate values for attributes, which are in turn validated by validation rules. Objects failing to pass either transformation or validation rules will be reported as errors, requiring the user to review and fix these errors before being allowed to import such objects.

Attribute A piece of metadata belonging to an object (e.g. name, author, creation date, etc.). Can also refer to the attribute’s value, depending on context.

Transformation Rules A set of rules used for editing, transforming and generating attribute values. A set of transformation rules is always unique to a migration set. A single transformation rule is comprised of one or several different steps, where each step calls exactly one transformation function. Transformation rules can be exported/imported to/from files or copied between migration sets containing the same type of objects.

Transformation Function Transformation functions compute attribute values for a transformation rule. Multiple transformation functions can be used in a single transformation rule.

Job Server The migration-center component listening to incoming job requests, and running jobs by executing the code behind the adapters referred by those jobs. Starting a scanner or importer which uses the Documentum adapter will send a request to the Jobserver set for that scanner, and tell that Jobserver to execute the specified job with its parameters and the corresponding adapter code.

Transformation The transformation process transforms a set of objects according to the set of rules to generate or extract.

Validation Validation checks the attribute values resulting from the Transformation step against the definitions of the object types these attributes are associated with. It checks to make sure the values meet basic properties such as data type, length, repeating or mandatory properties of the attributes they are associated with. Only if an object passes validation for every one of its attributes will it be allowed for import. Objects which do not pass validation are not permitted for import since they would fail anyway.

Mapping list A mapping list is a key-value pair used to match a value from the source data (the key) directly to the specified value.

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