Hyland OnBase


The OnBase Importer is one of the target adapters available in migration-center starting with version 3.17. It takes the objects processed in migration-center and imports them into an OnBase platform.

The current importer features are:

  • Import documents

  • Set custom metadata

  • Import document revisions

  • Delta migration (only for metadata)


OnBase Importer Properties

Click on the New Importer button to build a new OnBase Importer job and pick "OnBase" from the list of adapters. Once the adapter type has been selected, the Parameters list will be populated with the parameters specific to the selected adapter type, in this case OnBase.

Common Importer Parameters

Configuration parameters



Enter a unique name for this importer


Adapter type

Select the “OnBase” adapter from the list of available adapters



Select the Job Server location where this job should be run. Job Servers are defined in the Jobserver window. If no Job Server was selected, migration-center will prompt the user to define a Job Server Location when saving the importer.



Enter a description for this importer (optional)

OnBase Importer Parameters

Configuration Parameters



OnBase username. It must be a valid Hyland OnBase account.



The user's password.



The OnBase server URL.

Example: http://example/AppServer/Service.asmx



The data set (repository) where the content should be imported.



The number of threads that the importer will use to import the documents.



Sets the verbosity of the log file.


1 - logs only errors during scan

2 - is the default value reporting all warnings and errors

3 - logs all successfully performed operations in addition to any warnings or errors

4 - logs all events (for debugging only, use only if instructed by fme product support since it generates a very large amount of output. Do not use in production)


On the | Migsets | tab, the user can select the migration sets to be imported with this importer. Depending on the chosen Adapter Type only the migration sets compatible with this type of importer will be displayed and can be selected for import. Also, only migration sets containing at least one object in a validated state will be displayed (since objects which haven’t been validated cannot be imported).

Available migration sets can be moved between the two columns by double-clicking or using the arrows buttons.

Working with documents

Documents are part of the application data model in OnBase. They are usually represented by a document type, content, file_format, and some specific keywords.

OnBase Importer allows importing documents records from any supported source system to OnBase. For that, a migset of type “<Source>toOnBase(document)” must be created. Ex: Importing documents from Documentum requires migsets of type "DctmtoOnBase(document)”.

Rules for System Attributes

System Rule



The OnBase file format corresponding to the established content. Example: Text Report Format



Optional rule for importing the content from another location than the one exported by the scanner. If not set, the source objects content_location will be used.


The name of the OnBase document type corresponding to a migration-center internal object type that is used in the association. Example: OnBase Document



Optional system rule for setting the specific Revision Comment (Description).

Note: A mapping list may be used to set the file format with ease and intuition.

Working with revisions

Revisions are part of the application data model in OnBase. Compared to other platforms, OnBase uses “Revisions” that are similar to the very popular concept of versions. The OnBase platform also has “Versions” but uses it in a different way: Versions are “stamped Revisions” which can have a version description.

OnBase Importer allows importing revisions records from any supported source system to Hyland OnBase. For that, a migset of type “<Source>toOnBase(document)” must be created. Ex: Importing revision from CSV requires migsets of type "CsvExceltoOnBase(document)”.

The user needs at least one version tree to be scanned to import revisions. Each scanned version is equivalent to a revision in OnBase.

In the example bellow we have mapped level_in_version_tree to the revision description using the optional revision comment system rule to easily describe the revision correlation of Onbase.

Delta Migration

Objects that have changed in the source system since the last scan are scanned as update objects. Whether an object in a migration set is an update or not can be seen by checking the value of the Is_update column – if it’s 1, the current object is an update to a previously scanned object (the base object). An updated object cannot be imported unless its base object has been imported previously.

Currently, update objects are processed by OnBase importer with the following limitations:

  • Only the keywords are updated for the documents and revisions.

  • New keywords for existing objects can be set by using delta migration.

  • The keywords for a document and its revisions are shared, so when updating keywords for a document or revision, all the documents will be updated.

3.17 version of OnBase Importer can only update the keywords of the existing documents or revisions.

Last updated