SharePoint Online Scanner


The SharePoint Online Scanner allows extracting documents, folders and their related information from Microsoft SharePoint Online libraries.

SharePoint Online Scanners can be created, configured, started and monitored through migration-center Client, while the corresponding processes are executed by migration-center Job Server and the migration-center SharePoint Scanner respectively.

Scanner is the term used in migration-center for an input adapter. Using a scanner such as the SharePoint Scanner to extract data that needs processing in migration-center is the first step in a migration project, thus scan also refers to the process used to input data to migration-center.

Scanners and importers work as jobs that can be run at any time and can even be executed repeatedly. For every run a detailed history and log file are created. Multiple scanner and import jobs can be created or run at a time, each being defined by a unique name, a set of configuration parameters and a description (optional).


To install the main product components, consult the migration-center Installation Guide document.

The migration-center SharePoint Online scanner requires installing an additional component besides the main product components.

This additional component needs the .NET Framework 4.7.2 installed and it’s designed to run as a Windows service and must be installed on all machines where the a Job Server is installed.

To install this additional component, it is necessary to run an installation file, which is located within the

SharePoint folder of your Job Server install location, which is by default C:\Program Files (x86)\fme AG\migration-center Server Components <Version>\lib\mc-sharepointonline-scanner\CSOM_Service\install.

To install the service run the install.bat file using administrative privileges. You will need to start it manually for the first time, afterwards the service is configured to start automatically at system startup.

To uninstall the service run the uninstall.bat file using administrative privileges.

The CSOM service must be run with the same user as the Job Server service so that it has the same access to the export location.

SharePoint Online Scanner Properties

To create a new SharePoint Online Scanner, create a new scanner and select SharePoint Online from the Adapter Type drop-down. Once the adapter type has been selected, the Parameters list will be populated with the parameters specific to the selected adapter type. Mandatory parameters are marked with an *.

The Properties of an existing scanner can be accessed after creating the scanner by double-clicking the scanner in the list or by selecting the Properties button/menu item from the toolbar/context menu. A description is always displayed at the bottom of the window for the selected parameter.

Multiple scanners can be created for scanning different locations, provided each scanner has a unique name.

Common scanner parameters

SharePoint Scanner parameters

The configuration parameters available for the SharePoint Scanner are described below:

Scanning using the CAML query

The SharePoint Online scanner can use SharePoint CAML queries for filtering which objects are to be scanned. Based on the entered query, the scanner scans documents and folders in the lists/libraries.

For details on how to form CAML queries for each version of SharePoint please consult the official Microsoft MSDN documentation.

When using the CAML query parameter “query”, the parameters "excludeListAndLibraries", "includeListAndLibraries", "scanSubsites", "excludeSubsites", "excludeFolders", "includeFolders" must not be set. Otherwise the scanner will fail to start with an error message.

Scanning permissions

The SharePoint Online scanner can extract permission information for documents and folders. Note that only unique permissions are extracted. Permissions inherited from parent objects are not extracted by the scanner.

Additional configuration settings

There is a configuration file for additional settings regarding the SharePoint Online Scanner. Located under the …/lib/mc-sharepointonline-scanner/ folder in the Job Server install location it has the following properties that can be set:

History, Reports, Logs

A complete history is available for any SharePoint Scanner job from the respective items – History - window. It is accessible through the [History] button/menu entry on the toolbar/context menu. The -History- window displays a list of all runs for the selected job together with additional information, such as the number of processed objects, the start and ending time and the status.

Double clicking an entry or clicking the Open button on the toolbar opens the log file created by that run. The log file contains more information about the run of the selected job:

  • Version information of the migration-center Server Components the job was run with

  • The parameters the job was run with

  • Execution Summary that contains the total number of objects processed, the number of documents and folders scanned or imported, the count of warnings and errors that occurred during runtime.

Log files generated by the SharePoint Scanner can be found in the Server Components installation folder of the machine where the job was run, e.g. …\fme AG\migration-center Server Components <Version>\logs

The amount of information written to the log files depends on the setting specified in the ‘loggingLevel’ start parameter for the respective job.

Additional logs

An additional log file is generated by the SharePoint Online Scanner.

The location of this log file is in the same folder as the regular SharePoint Online scanner log files with the name: mc-sharepointonline-scanner.log.

Last updated