Veeva Export Types Tool


The tool will display all the available types and after selecting one of them, all its editable fields will be shown and exported in a formatted CSV file. Moreover, the tool allows you to select multiple types and in this case, multiple formatted CSV files will be created containing all editable fields.


  • Java SE 8


By using this tool, you can export object or document type definitions from Veeva Vault into CSV files. Having the files already properly formatted, you can easily import them into the migration-center client to create the corresponding object types.

Steps for Exporting Type Definitions from Veeva Vault

Firstly, you have to authenticate into the Veeva Vault using your credentials.

  • username

  • password

  • server

  • API version

The tool doesn't support proxy configuration!

After successful authentication, all the object & document types will be displayed in the middle grid view. Subtypes and classifications will be loaded on request when you'll select a type from the list. By using the Filter Table text box, you can search for a specific type, subtype or classification and by using radio buttons Object types & Document types, you can pick which type have to be displayed.

In the next step, you can choose which type definitions to export as CSV, but as a constraint, you can select just leaves node from the hierarchy. When hovering a row in the grid, a tooltip with type name__v value will be displayed.

You have two options to export the selected types:

  • one type at a time - it allows you to select specific fields for a type to export

  • more types at a time - all the editable fields of the selected types will be automatically exported

After the selection, the types will be exported as CSV files in the export location which has to be set in advance by you in the |Settings| tab. If the target folder wasn't previously selected, the tool location will be used as the default folder.

The CSV files will have a similar format:

Import CSV Files into Migration-Center Client

You can import the created CSV files in migration-center client following the instructions of the chapter Object Types Definitions from the below guide.

Client User Guide

Last updated