Previous versions

migration-center 3.15

Features & Enhancements

  • CSV - Excel Scanner:

    • Added support for scanning repeating attributes (#54993)

  • InfoArchive Importer:

    • Added support for multiple references to the same content (#55529)

  • OTCS Scanner:

    • Added support for scanning CAD documents as regular documents (#55900)

  • SharePoint Online Batch Importer:

    • Added support for setting approval status on documents (#54990)

    • Added support for setting version numbering (#55505)

    • Added support for setting Lookup field type (#55521)

  • Veeva Importer:

    • Added support for delta migration of Veeva objects (#54928)

    • Added support for importing attachments for Veeva Objects (#55535)

  • Core Database:

    • Added additional multi-value transformation functions (#55424)


  • OTCS Importer:

    • Fixed record date not being set in opentext_rm_classification (#55431)

  • SharePoint Online Batch Importer:

    • Fixed import failing with invalid XML characters in attributes (#55007)

    • Fixed import failing verification (#55574)

    • Fixed import failing into library with deep path (#55745)

  • SharePoint Online Importer:

    • Fixed import failing into site collection URL with spaces (#55571)

    • Fixed not being able to assign AD group (#55796)

    • Fixed error on folder update (#55870)

Known Issues & Limitations

  • Alfresco Scanner:

    • Scan doc with versions edited online while autoVersion false, but had autoVersion switched to true afterwards has wrong version content (#55983)

  • CSV - Excel Scanner:

    • Content_location is not scanned as multi-value (#55635)

  • Veeva Importer:

    • Objects are not rolled back if attachment was set on objects that do not support attachments (#55939)

  • Documentum NCC Importer:

    • Delta migration for the multi-page content does not work properly when a new page is added to the primary content (#55739)

migration-center 3.14 Update 1

Features & Enhancements

  • Veeva Importer

    • New feature: Import documents using existing content from FTP server (#55303)

    • New feature: Add support for importing relations (#54991)

  • SharePoint Online Importer (Batch)

    • New feature: Allow assignment of any valid SP user (#55219)

    • Support for OneDrive (#54262)

  • Filesystem Scanner

    • New feature: Perform transformation of source object XML files before processing (#54776)


  • SharePoint Online Importer (Batch)

    • Update objects not marked as processed/imported (#55058)

  • Veeva Importer

    • Import version tree with renditions fails (#55396)

  • SharePoint Importer

    • Folder and document get created although a column cannot be set (#55001)

    • SPO importer fails setting lookup column with a NULL value (#55140)

    • CSOM Processor fails with 401 Unauthorized error if a job ran longer than 24 hours (#55323)

  • Opentext Scanner

    • Keywords system rule is limited to 255 characters for Physical Objects migset (#55341)

Known Issues & Limitations

  • General / logging

    • The installer does not update the location of the Job Server's log files. So if you do not want to use the default location for log files, which is <Job Server Home>/logs, you need to manually update the log file location in the <Job Server Home>/lib/mc-core/logback.xml configuration file (#54732)

migration-center 3.14

Starting with version 3.13 Update 2, the SharePoint Online Importer does only support app-only principal authentication and no user name / password authentication. Please ensure that this will work for you before you upgrade your existing installation!

Features & Enhancements

  • Alfresco Scanner

    • New feature: Scan only last "n" versions (#54289)

    • New feature: Scan multiple sites (#54291)

  • D2 Importer

    • Support for D2 20.2

  • Documentum Scanner / Importer

    • Support for Documentum Server 20.2

  • OpenText Importer

    • Support for OpenText Content Server 20.2

  • OpenText Scanner

    • New feature: Scan shortcuts as distinct MC objects (#53710)

    • New feature: Scan any folder subtype objects (#53711)

  • SharePoint Online Importer (Classic)

    • New feature: Add user-agent traffic decoration (#52837)

  • SharePoint Online Importer (Batch)

    • New feature: Importing role assignments (#54440)

  • Tools

    • New tool to export document type definitions from Veeva available (#51539)


  • OpenText Scanner

    • NPE occurs using excludeFolderPaths (#54326)

    • Wildcards do not work in the root folder (#54329)

    • Set attributes are not scanned if the name is longer than 100 chars (#54589)

  • SharePoint Online Importer (Batch)

    • SPO batch importer checks wrong content location (#54568)

    • SPO batch importer throws error when importing large folder hierarchy (#54574)

    • NPE for objects with NULL value in levelInVersionTree in SPO batch importer (#54637)

  • SharePoint Importer

    • Wrong max length limit for parentFolder system attribute when importing to SP 2019 (#54592)

Known Issues & Limitations

  • General / logging

    • The installer does not update the location of the Job Server's log files. So if you do not want to use the default location for log files, which is <Job Server Home>/logs, you need to manually update the log file location in the <Job Server Home>/lib/mc-core/logback.xml configuration file (#54732)

  • D2 Importer

    • Support for importing to D2 4.1, 4.5, and 4.6 was removed

  • OpenText Scanner

    • Using binders in the parameters "scanFolderPaths" and "excludeFolderPaths" is not supported (#54963)

migration-center 3.13 Update 2

Features & Enhancements

  • PowerShell tools:

    • Support multiple scan run IDs when creating migration sets (#54263)

  • SharePoint Online importer:

    • Support for app-only principal authentication with SharePoint permissions (#54277)

  • SharePoint Online Bulk importer:

    • Add mc_content_location in migset rules (#54182)

    • Support for app-only principal authentication with SharePoint permissions (#54277)

  • SharePoint Online scanner:

    • Add scanLatestVersionOnly feature (#5615)

    • Add includeFolders and excludeFolders parameters (#53706)


  • OpenText importer: Wrong values for date attribute during physical objects import (#54255)

  • OpenText scanner:

    • NPE occurs using excludeFolderPaths (#54326)

    • Wildcards do not work in the root folder (#54329)

  • SharePoint (Online) importer: Automatically added content type not added to cache (#54420)

  • SharePoint scanner: Permissions & User fields contain ambiguous username instead of login name (#54240)

migration-center 3.13

Features & Enhancements

  • New SharePoint Online Batch Importer (#52665)

  • Add “removeDuplicate” transformation function (#53528)

  • Add support for Oracle 19c (#52930)

  • Add support for Oracle JDK 11 & OpenJDK 11 (#53313)

  • Add support for Oracle JDK 13 & OpenJDK 13 (#52492)

  • Add support IA 16.7 (#52910)

  • Added support for Alfresco 6.2.0 for Alfresco scanner and importer (#54108)

  • Alfresco scanner and importer now require java 1.8 or later

  • Documentum Scanner

    • Scan complete document audit trail and save it as rendition to the current document version (#52846)

  • OpenText Importer

    • Assign objects to Physical Object Box with a dedicate system rule (#52748)

  • SharePoint importer

    • Support valid filename characters on SharePoint on-prem (#53304)

  • Documentum In-Place

    • Implement move content feature in Documentum In-Place adapter (#53518)


  • Fix typo in transformation function “ConverDateTimezones” (#53136)

  • “GetDateFromString” transformation function returns null in some cases (#53164)

  • Job server installation on Linux outdated in Installation Guide (#53714)

  • OpenText Importer became laggy during impersonation after a certain number of requests (#53180)

  • No error or warning when importing two renditions of the same type with OpenText Importer (#53124)

  • The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send in SharePoint Importer (#53099)

  • Could not get SharePoint X-RequestDigest error message when space character in site collection name (#53190)

  • SharePoint Importer should log error immediately if required fields are missing (#53844)

  • HTTP 503 Server Unavailable Error when downloading large content files with SharePoint Online Scanner (#53673)

  • Fix “Member ID is not valid” in OpenText scanner (#53482)

  • Fix setting empty Vault Object reference in Veeva importer (#53573)

migration-center 3.12

Features and enhancements

  • OTCS Scanner

    • Scanning Project objects as OTCS(container) with metadata (#52932)

    • Save version information as source attributes (#52292)

    • Support wildcards in folder paths (#52360)

    • Show number of warnings in job run report summary (#52845)

    • Scan user field with username instead of user id (#52847)

    • Objects scanned from inside projects now contain full parentFolder path (#52960)

    • Revised OpenText Adapter User Manuals (#52550)

  • Veeva Importer

    • Re-authentication mechanism in case of session timeout (#52822)

    • Pause and retry mechanism to handle burst and daily API limits (#52823)

    • Support version binding when importing Veeva Vault binders (#52091)

    • Delta Migration of objects in Veeva Importer (#53037)

  • Added support for Alfresco 6.1.1 in Alfresco Importer (#53008)

  • Added support for annotations in D2 Importer (#53018)

  • Documentum scanner now supports dqlExtendedString returning repeating values (#52587)

  • Added Support for SP 2019 in SP Importer (#52870)

  • Auto-Classification Module

    • Functionality to split dataset into training and test data (#52660)

    • Removing of library under GPL license (#52853)

    • Classification Process Logging (#52855)


  • Unresolved document file path in ScanRunExtractor (#52876)

  • Filesystem importer writes invalid XML characters to metadata XML file (#52909)

  • Missing dependency packages in AC module installer (#52935)

  • Error validating classification when subtypes not unique (#52945)

Known Issues

  • In Veeva Importer setting Binder version labels as major/minor does not work (#53160)

  • In Veeva Importer document updates with empty values for attributes that were not empty does not delete existing value (#53229)

  • In OTCS Scanner user fields that were deleted from a category are scanned as IDs (#52982)

migration-center 3.11

Features and enhancements

  • New SharePoint Online Scanner (#52409)

  • Made OTCS scanner more robust to errors (#52361)

  • Imptoved OTCS scanner job run log output (#52365)

  • FileSystem Importer now applies XSL transformation on whole unified metadata XML file (#52394)

  • Veeva Importer now supports importing Documentum documents as renditions of a specific type to a Veeva Vault document (#52090)


  • Fixed bug in Filesystem Importer where attributes with no value were not being exported in XML metadata file (#52479)

  • Fixed OTCS Scanner not scanning documents under folder inside nested projects (#52809)

  • Fixed SPOnline importer bug when importing folders with a “%” in the name (#52857)

  • Fixed SPOnline importer not refreshing token when all objects of a large import fail (#52775)

Known Issues

  • SharePoint Online Scanner might receive timeout error from SharePoint Online when scanning libraries with more than 5000 documents (#52865)

migration-center 3.10

Features and enhancements

  • Added support for Oracle database version 18c (#51451)

  • Added support for migrating Veeva Vault Objects (#52136)

  • Added support for version 16.x for the OpenText scanner (#50340)

  • Added support for D2 versions 16.4 and 16.5 (#50972, #51530)

  • Added switch for lifecycle error handling in D2 Importer (#50991)

  • Updated the IBM Domino Scanner (#49173)

  • Improved database security by changing default password (#51112)

  • Improved performance of filesystem importer copy operation (#52320)

  • Enhanced the RepeatingToSingleValue function to not throw exception when length exceeds 4000 bytes (#51798)

  • Added missing file and folder name checks in the SP and SPO importer user guides (#52076)

  • Updated linux Jobserver with new YAJSW wrapper (#52347)

  • Importer, added the following features:

    • Import custom metadata (#50312)

    • Import tags (#50314)

    • Import comments (#50315)

    • Import tasks (#50316)

    • Add collaborators to the imported documents (#50602)


  • Fixed bug in DCTM adapters when calculating multi page content (#50442)

  • Fixed bug in SharePoint scanner when scanning SP 2013+ on Windows Server (#51088)

  • Fixed error messages bigger than 2000 characters not being saved in the database (#52357)

  • SharePoint Importer, fixed the following bugs:

    • import taking a long time when content_location points to folder (#52115)

    • Importer not starting if adfsBaseURL contains trailing slash (#51941)

    • DEBUG messages getting logged despite log level ERROR in log4j (#52082)

    • Added debug log messages for queue building missing in SP importer (#52084)

    • Exception not caught when reverting import action (#52216)

    • Importer hanging when encountering an exception in RefreshDigest method (#52238)

    • Improved Retry handling (#52270)

    • Error when importing into site with %20 in the name (#52272)

    • autoCreateFolders always enabled (#52305)

    • NullPointerException in file upload when SPOnline throttling occurs (#52325)

migration-center 3.9 – update 3

Features and enhancements

  • Some new features and enhancements in Domino Scanner

    • New scanner parameter "excludedAttributeTypes"

    • Default for scanner parameter "exportCompositeItems" now "0"

    • Scanner parameter "selectionFormula" set to be editable by default

    • 64bit support (based on IBM Domino); 32bit support remains unchanged (based on IBM Notes)

  • InfoArchive Importer: provide a better way for importing email attachments scanned from IBM Domino


  • Domino Scanner: Extracted floating point numbers truncated/rounded to integer value

  • Domino Scanner: Attributes of type "NumberRange" were not exported

  • OpenText CS scanner: some logging improvements

  • OpenText CS scanner: Fix scanning subprojects

  • Veeva Vault Importer: Fix setting status_v for the root version

  • Veeva Vault Importer: Fix importing VD relations that have order_no with decimals.

  • Veeva Vault Importer: Fix a null pointer exception when logging some results

  • CSV/Excel Scanner: Fix setting the internal processing type of the scanner

  • Sharepoint Importer: Fix importing documents having # and % in the name

  • Sharepoint Importer: Fix importing folder with two consecutive dots (..) in the name

  • Sharepoint Importer: Fix token expiration after 24 hours.

This hotfix requires a reinstall of the Jobserver and Client components, as well as an update of the Database component. Please refer to the Installation Guide for details regarding the update.

Migration-center 3.9 update 2

Features and enhancements

  • Add support for importing attachments to Veeva Vault.

This hotfix requires a reinstall of the Jobserver and Client components, as well as an update of the Database component. Please refer to the Installation Guide for details regarding the update.

Migration-center 3.9 update 1

Features and enhancements

  • Added support for scanning nested compound documents in OTCS Scanner

  • Added support for scanning the Nickname attribute for folders and documents in OTCS Scanner

  • Added Proxy support for ADFS Authentication in SharePoint Importer

  • Added support for filtering Scanners and Importers in MC Client


  • Fixed OTCS Scanner bug not scanning dates properly sometimes

  • Fixed OTCS Scanner "Member Type not valid" error message

  • Fixed OTCS Scanner nullPointerException when trying to get the owner name in specific cases

  • Fixed OTCS Scanner nullPointerException when trying to scan certain Workspaces

  • Fixed SharePoint Importer bug autoCreateFolders not working for values with leading slash

  • Fixed SharePoint failing authentication with invalid XML chars in use name or password

This hotfix requires a reinstall of the Jobserver and Client components, as well as an update of the Database component. Please refer to the Installation Guide for details regarding the update.

migration-center 3.9

Features and enhancements

  • Replaced Tanuki service wrapper with YAJSW (#51159)

  • Added support for Java 64-bit (#51163)

  • Added support for OpenJDK 8 (#51156)

  • New CSV / Excel Scanner (#50343)

  • Added Content Hash Calculation feature to OTCS scanner (#50736)

  • Added support for java web service in OTCS Scanner (#51389)

  • Added support for importing RIM submissions to Veeva Vault (#51208)

  • Added support for importing Documentum Virtual Documents as Binders in Veeva Vault (#51188)

  • Added support for setting references to existing master data objects in Veeva Vault (#51151)

  • Added support for ADFS authentication in SPO Importer (#51414)

  • Added new Transformation function for time-zone conversions (#51480)


  • Fixed bug when pulling content for updates with the Database scanner (#51142)

  • Fixed error message in OTCS log (#51619)

  • Fixed SharePoint Online importer too short path length limitation (#51491)

  • Fixed SharePoint not resuming properly after pausing job for long time (#51492)

  • Changed behavior of setting the file extension for the SharePoint Importer (#51503)

migration-center 3.8

Features and enhancements

  • Documentum Scanner: Added option to scan only the latest version of a VD (#51019)

  • OTCS Importer: Added support for importing Virtual Documents as Compound Documents (#51008)

  • New transformation functions: GetDataFromSQL() and Length() (#50997, #50999)

  • Database Scanner: New Delta migration feature (#50477)

  • Documentum Importer: Extended waiting time for operations queue to finish (#50995)


  • Fixed error in D2 Importer when property pages contained tabs with visibility conditions (#50987)

  • Removed unneeded jar file from D2 importer folder (#51073)

migration-center 3.7

Features and enhancements

  • The Jobserver now requires Java 8. Java 7 is not anymore supported.

  • New Veeva Vault importer

  • Extended OpenText importer to import physical items (#50282)

  • Changed the way of setting RM Classifications in OpenText importer (#50842).


  • Delta migration issue after upgrading from 3.2.5 or older (#50571)

Known issues

  • Importing not allowed items in the physical item container is permitted (#50978)

  • RM classifications for physical objects are not removed during delta (#50979)

  • Physical objects properties of type date are not updated during delta migration (#50980)

  • Veeva importer may fail to start, if DFC is installed on the same machine (#50981)

  • No error reported when setting values to Inactive Fields in Veeva Importer (#50880)

  • No error reported when setting values to fields that are not in the Type / Subtype / Classification used in Veeva Importer (#50871)

  • No error reported when setting permissions not in the selected lifecycle in Veeva Importer (#50939)

migration-center 3.6

Features and enhancements

  • New OpenText In-Place Adapter (#49994)

  • Updated Tika library to version 1.17 for Filesystem scanner (#49258)

  • OTCS scanner is now able to scan Business Workspaces (#49994)

  • SharePoint Importer is now able to change the extension of files (#50142)

  • D2 Importer validates the Enabled, Visible and Mandatory conditions in a Property Page (#50235)

  • D2 Importer marks documents as Partially Imported when failing to apply a lifecycle action (#50274)


  • Fixed issue with saving migsets when plsql_optimize_level was set to 3 (#49160)

  • Fixed issue with exporting BLOB content from a Firebird database (#49197)

  • Fixed error in Documentum In-Place adapter with linking into inexistent folderpath (#49217)

  • Fixed nullPointerException in SharePoint Importer when using proxy (#49232)

  • Fixed bug in Documentum audit trail rollback scripts (#49943)

  • Fixed nullPointerException in Alfresco Importer (#50027)

  • Fixed error when scanning documents in “Projects” with OTCS Scanner (#50130)

  • Fixed individual version creator not being scanned in OTCS scanner (#50273)

  • Fixed missing supported versions for Oracle and DFC in the Installation Guide (#50275)

  • Fixed DQL Validation for $repeatingvalue placeholder in D2 Importer (#50278)

Known issues

  • D2 Importer does not validate values for Editable ComboBox if they are not in the dictionary (#49115)

  • D2 Importer does not validate Enabled and Visibility properties if they have no condition attached to them (#50327)

  • Running IA Importer with values “16.x” for the InfoArchiveVersion parameter throws error (#50388)

migration-center 3.5

Features and enhancements

  • Alfresco scanner now supports Alfresco 5.2 (#49977)

  • Database scanner now supports multi-content Blob/Clob (#49260)

  • Added support for scanning and importing xCP comments for folders (#49245)

  • Added support for Documentum Content Server 16.4 (#49243)

  • Added support for InfoArchive 16.3 (#49244)

  • OTCS importer now supports folders of type email_folder types in OpenText Content Server (#49257)

  • OTCS scanner now supports scanning documents and emails from Email folders (#49995)

  • OTCS scanner now supports OTDS authentication (#50134)

  • Added checksum verification feature for OpenText Content Server Importer (#49250)

  • Added support for Oracle 12c Release 2 (#49259)


  • Fixed bug in the Alfresco importer rollback scripts (#49251)

  • Fixed delta scan issue when only main object metadata changed (#50052)

  • Fixed issue with description length in OTCS importer (#50118)

  • Fixed error when setting subterm under non available term in SharePoint Online taxonomies (#49978)

  • Fixed job getting stuck when connection to SharePoint server is lost during import (#50026)

  • Fixed error when importing filename with apostrophe or plus sign in SharePoint (#49087, #49151)

  • Fixed error when importing SharePoint lists with certain settings (#49975)

  • Fixed rollback not being performed when a importing certain versions fails in SharePoint (#49974)

  • Fixed bug where document gets overwritten when old version moved to folder with a different document of the same name in SharePoint (#4661)

migration-center 3.4

Features and enhancements

  • Added comprehensive content hashing with different hashing algorithms and encodings for the following Scanners Documentum, SharePoint, Database and Filesystem (#11636)

  • Filesystem Importer: XML Metadata file now contains elements for all null and blank attributes (#11606)

  • InfoArchive Importer: migrating Documentum AuditTrails is now supported (#11610)

  • InfoArchive Importer: migrating Documentum Virtual Documents with children relations is now supported (#11683)

  • OpenText Importer: migrating opentext_email objects is now supported (#11670)

  • SharePoint Online Importer: added content integrity checking feature for imported Documents (#8296)

  • SharePoint Scanner: scanning entire version trees as a single migration-center object is now supported (#11641)

  • New system attributes are now available in transformation rules for all adapters (#11941)


  • Fixed objects not being scanned when reading permissions failed in Filesystem Scanner (#11779)

  • Fixed table key lookup query being case sensitive in OpenText Importer (#11772)

  • Fixed length limitation for Table Key Lookup attributes in OpenText Importer (#11777)

  • Fixed setting attribute values from a different object to a category that has multiple rows when using multiple threads in OpenText Importer (#11797)

  • Improved logging for OpenText Importer (#11781)

  • Fixed issue where the initializer thread was still running in the background when a job was being stopped manually (#11739)

  • Fixed not being able to delete certain Scheduler runs that took more than 2 seconds to delete (#11889)

migration-center 3.3

Features and enhancements

  • Sharepoint Scanner:

    • Added support for SharePoint 2016 (#10999)

    • Added support for CAML queries (#11629)

    • Added support for scanning SharePoint internal attributes (#11653)

  • Added support for scanning only current version in eRoom scanner (#11649)

  • Filesystem Scanner:

    • mc_content_location and original_location are now available in transformation rules when using moveFilesToFolder (#11474)

    • Added parameter for specifying the date format for extracting extended metadata with unusual format (#11673)

    • Added possibility of scanning permissions (#11720)

    • Upgraded to latest version of Tika Libraries (#11693)

  • Added support for InfoArchive 4.1 and 4.2 (#10325)

  • Added support for migrating SharePoint folders and List Items into InfoArchive (#11639)

  • OpenText importer:

    • now support inheriting folder categories when importing folders (#11674)

    • now support inheriting permissions (#11631)

    • now supports setting null values for popup / dropdown attributes (#11550)


  • Fixed applyD2RulesByOwner error message when using multiple threads in D2 (#11597)

  • Fixed some renditions being scanned twice in Documentum scanner (#11740)

  • Fixed wrong file path in log for Filesystem importer (#11469)

  • Fixed date values not being properly converted to XML format in some cases for InfoArchive importer (#11672)

  • Fixed contentless documents failing when ‘nocontent’ is specified in InfoArchive importer (#11656)

  • Fixed missing parent_object_id when scanning delta versions in OTCS Scanner (#11750)

  • Fixed importing documents that have date table key lookup attribute failing in OTCS Importer (#11576)

  • Fixed error when scanning uncommon managed metadata in SharePoint scanner (#11621)

  • Fixed only latest content exported for each version of a document in SharePoint scanner (#11657)

  • Fixed exportLocation parameter description when using local path in SharePoint scanner (#11568)

  • Fixed error when scanning documents with non-mandatory but empty taxonomy field in SharePoint scanner (#11652)

  • Fixed lookup attributes not being scanned at all in SharePoint scanner (#11655)

  • Improved OTCS scanner documentation (#11667)

  • Corrected version labels in Installation Guide (#11622)

  • Fixed Linux Jobserver classpath values (#11690)

migration-center 3.2.9

Features and enhancements

  • New Documentum In-Place Adapter (#11490)

  • Alfresco Importer now supports Alfresco 5.2 (#10772)

  • Documentum Importer - added support for CS 7.3 (#9927)

  • D2 Importer

    • Added support for D2 version 4.7 (#10777)

    • Changed D2 DQL and Taxonomy validation to be done by the D2 API (#10317)

    • Added information regarding folder migrating options in the D2 Importer User Guide (#10754)

  • InfoArchive Importer

    • Added support for multiple content files per AIU (#8877)

    • Added support for multiple Object Types (#8877)

    • Added support for Custom Attributes inside the eas_sip.xml file (#9405)

    • Added support for calculating the PDI file checksum with SHA-256 and base64 encoding (#11418)

  • OTCS Scanner is now able to export rendition types (#11419)

  • OTCS Importer now supports Extended Attributes Model (#11424)

  • SharePoint Importer now does extra check to avoid overwriting existing content with the same List Item ID when trying to move content to different libraries (#11465)

  • Added warning regarding using multiple Jobservers with Sharepoint Importer (#11459)


  • OpenText Importer: fixed java heap space error when importing large size renditions. (#11426)

  • OpenText Importer: fixed the authentication cookie refreshment for impersonated user (#11396)

  • OpenText Scanner: fixed out of memory error when scanning objects with size larger than 20MB (#11393)

  • OpenText Scanner: fixed out of memory error when scanning objects with size larger than 8GB (#11434)

  • Sharepoint Importer: fixed updates to intermediate version being applied to the latest version (#11458)

  • Sharepoint Importer: fixed a case that caused the importer to not finish (#10338)

  • D2 Importer: Fixed validation for certain DQLs containing placeholders (#10318)

  • D2 Importer: Fixed validation of certain taxonomies (#11549)

  • Fixed a jar conflict between OpenText Importer and Sharepoint Scanner (#11487)

Known issues

  • Multi-threaded import using applyD2RulesByOwner fails for some objects in D2 Importer

  • Remaining issues from the main release 3.2 to 3.2.8 Update 2 also apply to release 3.2.8 Update 3 unless noted otherwise.

migration-center 3.2.8 Update 3

Features and enhancements

  • Add support for migrating to DCM 6.7 (Documentum Compliance Manager).

Known issues

  • Remaining issues from the main release 3.2 to 3.2.8 Update 2 also apply to release 3.2.8 Update 3 unless noted otherwise.

migration-center 3.2.8 Update 2

Features and enhancements

  • Added support for xCP comments in Documentum Scanner and Documentum Importer (#10886)

  • Added support for “dm_note” objects in Documentum Scanner and Documentum Importer (#10887)

  • Added support for multi-page content in Documentum Scanner, Documentum Importer and D2 Importer (#11271)

  • Added support for extracting content from BLOB / CLOB column types in the Database Scanner (#10899)


  • Fixed logging the version of the OpenText Importer in the run log (#11322)

  • Fixed setting the version description attribute in OpenText Importer (#11270)

Known issues

  • Documentum scanner/importer: The scanned/imported “dm_note” objects are not counted in the job run report (#11391)

  • DQLs that have enable(row_based) are not processed correctly in the D2 Importer (#11390)

  • Remaining issues from the main release 3.2 to 3.2.8 Update 1 also apply to release 3.2.8 Update 2 unless noted otherwise

migration-center 3.2.8 Update 1

Features and enhancements

  • New OpenText scanner: supports scanning documents, compound documents and folders from OpenText repositories version 9.7.1, 10.0 and 10.5. Specific OpenText features are supported like scanning categories, classification, permissions and shortcuts.


  • Several bug fixes regarding validating DQL queries and Taxonomies when using property pages in D2 Importer.

migration-center 3.2.8

Features and enhancements

  • Added support for D2 LSS (Life Sciences Solution) version 4.1 (#9990)

  • Added multi-threading capabilities to the D2 importer (#10107)

  • Added support for Alfresco version 5.1 (#10354)

  • Added support for OpenText Content Server version 16.0 (#9937)

  • Added support for SharePoint 2016 (#9925)

  • Improved SharePoint Online Importer performance when applying internal attributes and taxonomies (#10314)

  • Added support for InfoArchive 4.0 (#9926)

  • Added support for Documentum ECS (Elastic Cloud Storage) (#9783)


  • Alfresco Scanner: fixed scanning duplicates on delta scanning a new version for documents created directly in the Alfresco Share interface (#10013)

  • InfoArchvie Importer: fixed nullPointer exception when importing objects without content (#10746)

  • Filesystem Importer: fixed logging message when setting owner fails (#10326)

  • SharePoint Importer: fixed setting author and editor attributes in a multi-domain environment (#10171)

  • SharePoint Scanner: fixed job finishing successfully with incorrect credentials (#9939)

  • MC Client: fixed description for RepeatingToSingle transformation function (#10291)

Known Issues

  • D2 Importer:

    • importing version updates with CURRENT not set to latest version fails (#10784)

    • the CURRENT label is always set to the latest version when applying Lifecycle (#10686)

    • importing branched versions with multiple and no r_version_label associated fails (#10460)

    • D2 importer does not work with D2 4.5 or 4.1 when Jobserver runs on Java version 1.8 (#10384)

migration-center 3.2.7 Update 4

Features and enhancements

  • Improved Sharepoint and Sharepoint Online Importers performance when setting Taxonomies and internal attributes. (#10423)

  • Improved Sharepoint Importer Error Reporting in certain cases. (#10299)

Known Issues

  • Remaining issues from the main release 3.2 to 3.2.7 Update 3 also apply to release 3.2.7 Update 4 unless noted otherwise

migration-center 3.2.7 Update 3

Features and enhancements

  • Documentum Importer can attach now documents to a given lifecycle.


  • FirstDoc importer: Fix a java.lang.ClassCastException error when importing to FDQM module

  • FirstDoc importer: Fix importing versions when there is an attribute count difference in the repeating group between create SDL and document definition SDL.

Known Issues

  • Remaining issues from the main release 3.2 to 3.2.7 Update 2 also apply to release 3.2.7 Update 3 unless noted otherwise.

migration-center 3.2.7 Update 2

Features and enhancements

  • D2 Importer now supports only D2 version 4.6. The older D2 versions are only supported by the previous versions of migration-center

  • OpenText Importer now supports creating OpenText Compound Documents

  • OpenText Importer now supports importing renditions

  • IBM Domino Scanner:

    • Large attribute values can now be split into chunks of maximum 4000 bytes

    • Added custom attributes: "attachmentItemName" - name of item that an attachments was attached to in the original Domino document, "attachmentName" - name of the attachment in the original document and "$dominoNoteID$" - NoteID of the document in the database that it originates from.


  • Documentum Scanner: Scanning version trees having versions of multiple object types

  • OpenText Importer: Error messages concerting a single attribute do not have the attribute name

  • OpenText Importer: Categories not being set if no associations are made for it

  • Sharepoint Scanner: Documents with paths longer than 260 characters failed to be scanned

Known Issues

  • Running a SP scanner with incorrect credentials on a Sharepoint with anonymous authentication enabled, does not show errors.

  • Remaining issues from the main release 3.2 to 3.2.7 Update 1 also apply to release 3.2.7 Update 2 unless noted otherwise.

migration-center 3.2.7 Update 1

Features and enhancements

  • Alfrecso scanner now supports scanning version check-in comments

  • Alfresco importer now supports importing version check-in comments

  • Documentum adapter supports scanning/importing version trees with different object types in them

  • InfoArchive importer officially supported on the Linux jobserver

  • InfoArchive importer now supports ingestion via InfoArchive Webservices

  • OpenText Importer now supports inheriting categories from folders

  • OpenText Importer now supports setting values for attributes grouped within a Set attribute


  • InfoArchive Importer:

    • fixed text inside SIP xml files generated without indent

    • fixed ZIP files not being rolled back when there is not enough memory on disk

  • OpenText Importer:

    • fixed impersonate user not working as expected

    • fixed importer not working when DFC not installed

Known Issues

  • DocumentumNCC scanner: null pointer exception when scanning documents without content

  • InfoArchive importer: SIPs are imported successfully but marked as failed when moveFilesToFolder does not have write permissions

  • OpenText Importer: Error messages concerting a single attribute do not have the attribute name

  • OpenText Importer: Categories are not set if no associations are made for it

  • Sharepoint Scanner: Documents with paths longer than 260 characters fail to be scanned

  • Remaining issues from the main release 3.2 to 3.2.7 also apply to release 3.2.7 Update 1 unless noted otherwise.

migration-center 3.2.7

Features and enhancements

  • New OpenText importer: supports importing documents and folders to OpenText repositories version 10.0 and 10.5. Specific OpenText features are supported like setting categories, classification, permissions, shortcuts to the imported documents and folders.

  • New SharePoint Scanner: supports the scan of SharePoint 2007, 2010 and 2013. Supports scanning documents, folders, listitems, lists and document libraries. Replaces the old scanner which has been retired.

  • New SharePoint Importer: supports SharePoint 2010 and 2013 and uses REST API. Support import of documents, folders, listitems, lists and document libraries.

  • Retired the previous SharePoint Importer as SharePoint Legacy: new installations will not have it. Updated installations will have it under the name of SharePoint Legacy.

  • SharePoint Online Importer supports now documents, folders, listitems, lists and document libraries. Relations can be imported now as attachments for listitems.

  • D2 importer supports now creating folders based on the paths provided to documents.

  • Alfresco importer supports now the Alfresco 5.0.

  • Alfresco scanner and importer: categories and tags are exported and imported using the values displayed in the interface instead of using internal ids.


  • Alfresco scanner and importer:

    • Fixed a NullPointerException when scanning documents with aspects from Alfresco.

    • Fixed the value of the content location attribute when scanning documents with skipping content.

    • The content location is now available in the attribute “mc_content_location” that is accessible to the transformation engine.

    • Fixed importing a new document version when the first link was modified compared with the previous version.

    • Improve the message description of several errors that may happen when importing updates and versions.

  • Documentum scanner:

    • Fixed a query error when scanning a repository having DB2 as database.

    • Fixed scanning version tree having multiple types.

    • Fixed the content location for the documents without format.

  • Box importer:

    • Fixed setting “content_created_at” and “content_modified_at” to the imported files.

  • Filesystem scanner:

    • Fixed out of memory when scanning more than 1 million of files

    • Fixed the case when scanning multiple folders like: <some folder path>\FName|<some folder path>\FName with Space. In the previous version the second folder was ignored without any error message.

    • Report properly the invalid paths when scanning multiple folders.

    • Fixed a possible performance issue when scanning extended metadata.

  • Filesystem importer:

    • Fixed a NullPointerException when setting “modified_date” without setting the “creation_date”

    • Fixed the case when the target file was overwritten by the metadata file when they were having the same name.

  • SharePoint Online importer:

    • Fixed updates imported as new versions.

    • Fixed import fails only with major version enabled.

    • Fixed null pointer exception when setting empty “Group or Person” or “Hyperlink” column.

    • Fixed items created for failed jobs are now rolled-back where possible.

    • Fixed running with invalid credentials does not set the error status.

    • Fixed proper log messages are set now for multiple attribute setting errors.

  • Eroom scanner

    • The “er:Path” attribute does not contains the file name anymore.

  • Database

    • Allow installing migration-center on a non-CDB Oracle 12c instance.

    • Fixed the throwing two errors when upgrading from version 3.2.5 or older. This was the case when filesystem importer was not licensed.

  • Client

    • Fixed installing the client on Window 8 and Windows 2012 server. No manual registry configuration is required.

Known issues

  • OpenText Importer: The modified date of created folders (set by the importer) is overwritten by the content server when new documents are added to the folder.

  • Remaining issues from the main release 3.2 to 3.2.6 also apply to release 3.2.7 unless noted otherwise.

  • SharePoint Legacy Importer: The Logging system on the SharePoint side is not reusable after a forced restart. The SharePoint Importer uses much more memory then the previous version. Document sets cannot be created in a library with versioning disabled.

  • SharePoint and SharePoint Online Importer: Null reference not handled in case of the big document import. The author does not get set unless editor attribute is set as well.

migration-center 3.2.6


  • Added support for Oracle Database 12c.

  • Added support for Documentum 7.2.

  • Added support for Windows Server 2012, Windows 8 / 8.1.

  • New InfoArchive Importer: supports the import of data generated by any scanner to InfoArchive enterprise archiving platform.

  • New Alfresco Scanner: supports scanning documents, folders, custom lists and list items from an Alfresco repository.

  • New Microsoft Exchange scanner: supports scanning emails from different accounts using an account that has delegate access to the other ones.

  • New Exchange Removal adapter: supports deleting emails in the source system that have been imported from Microsoft Exchange.

  • Documentum Importer supports multithreaded processing for improved performance.

  • Filesystem Importer supports setting the creator name, creation date and modify date to the imported file.

  • Enhance the flexibility of generating metadata files in Filesystem Importer.

  • Support of Jobserver components installation on Linux. Note that not all adapters are available on Linux

  • The Oracle package SYS.SQLJUTL is not needed anymore by migration-center.


  • Sharepoint importer:

    • Fixed updating minor versions of documents.

    • Fixed updating documents when “ForceCheckout” flag is set to true in the library.

    • Fixed dummy versions not deleted after large file failed import.

    • Fixed importer trying to delete inexistent dummy versions.

    • Fixed the reporting of some incorrect error messages.

  • Sharepoint Online importer:

    • Fixed setting the attribute “Title” for contact items.

    • Fixed the reporting of some incorrect error messages.

  • Filesystem Importer:

    • Fix a null pointer exception when setting invalid path to “unifiedMetadataPath”.

    • Fix moving renditions when “moveFiles” is enabled in the importer.


  • migration-center 3.2.6 requires now Java Runtime Environment 1.7.0_09 or later. It will not work with older java versions.

  • In Documentum 7.x the max allowed length for owner_name, r_modifier, r_creator_name was changed from 32 to 255 char. In MC the default provided types (dm_document, dm_folder, dm_audit_trail) still have the old limit of 32 char.

  • Filesystem Importer does not allow more than 255 characters for the “content_target_file_path” system rule.

Known Issues

  • SharePoint Online Importer: When importing large files into a SharePoint Online document library the import might fail due to a 30 minutes timeout defined by Microsoft. (Bug# 8043)

  • SharePoint Online Importer: Documents that have the attribute is update set to true are not overwritten during import, but a new version is created on import. Document Sets cannot be created in a library with versioning disabled. (Bug #7904)

  • Sharepoint Online Importer: The importer does not set the “Author” field of a document, if only the “Author” attribute has a rule associated to it. The user must associate rules to both the “Author” and “Editor” attribute for them to be set. (Bug #8629)

  • Sharepoint on Premise Importer: Importing documents without any specified version label results in an error. (Bug #8186)

  • Documentum Importer: Importing multiple updates of the same document that is part of a version tree containing branches may fail if using multiple threads. That is an extreme case since in the process of delta migration the object updates are migrated incrementally. (Bug #8175)

  • InfoArchive Importer: When the “targetDirectory” runs out of disk space during the zip creation, the importer fails as expected, but the zip file is not rolled back (deleted). (Bug #8758)

  • Alfresco Importer: Certain errors that may occur during import are not descriptive enough. (Bug #8715)

  • Alfresco Importer: Updating a document will result in an error if the first link of the base object needs to be removed by the update. (Bug #8717)

  • Alfresco Scanner: Running an Alfresco Scanner with the parameter “exportContent” unchecked results in invalid values set for the “content_location” attribute. (Bug# 8603)

  • Alfresco Scanner: Running two scanners in parallel on the same location can result in duplicate objects being created. (Bug #8365)

  • Filesystem Scanner: Folders will be ignored if multiple folder paths that begin with the same letters are used as a multivalue for the scanFolderPath (Bug #8601)

  • Remaining issues from the main release 3.2 to 3.2.5 also apply to release 3.2.6 unless noted otherwise.

migration-center 3.2.5 Update 1


  • SharePoint on Premise supports: new object types Sites, Document Sets; custom sites for individual imported objects; non-consecutive versioning for documents.


  • SharePoint Online Importer: internal properties like ‘Modified’, ‘Modified by’, ‘Created’ and ‘Created by’ are properly updating now.

  • SharePoint Online Importer: removed limitations of the number of items supported during import in the target library.

  • SharePoint Online Importer: internal name of the taxonomy terms are correctly used.

Known issues

IBM Domino Scanner:

  • The scanner requires that the temporary directory for the user running MC Job Server Service exists and that the user can write to this directory. If the directory does either not exist or the user does not have write permission to the directory, the creation of temporary files during document and attachment extraction will fail. The logfile will show error messages like

„INFO | jvm 1 | 2014/10/02 12:06:26 | 12:06:26,850 ERROR [Job 1351] com.think_e_solutions.application.documentdirectory… - The system cannot find the path specified“.

To work around this issue, make sure the temporary folder exists and the user has write permission for this folder. If the MC Job Server is started manually as a normal user then the “Temp” folder should be C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp. Therefore, if the MC Job Server is run as a service by the Local System account, the folder is one of the following:

For the 32bits version of Windows: C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Temp

For the 64bits version of Windows:


migration-center 3.2.5


  • New IBM Domino Scanner: supports scanning emails and documents from IBM Domino/Notes

  • New Sharepoint Online Importer: supports importing Lists, List Items, Documents and folders in Sharepoint Online

  • Eroom scanner: Multiple erooms can be scanned now with a single scanner configuration


  • Scheduler: Fix a special case when the scheduler run hangs in status “Scanner running”

  • Documentum Importer: Fix a “NullPointerException” when importing VDRelation updates

Known issues

IBM Domino Scanner:

  • The scanner requires that the temporary directory for the user running MC Job Server Service exists and that the user can write to this directory. If the directory does either not exist or the user does not have write permission to the directory, the creation of temporary files during document and attachment extraction will fail. The logfile will show error messages like

„INFO | jvm 1 | 2014/10/02 12:06:26 | 12:06:26,850 ERROR [Job 1351] com.think_e_solutions.application.documentdirectory… - The system cannot find the path specified“.

To work around this issue, make sure the temporary folder exists and the user has write permission for this folder. If the MC Job Server is started manually as a normal user then the “Temp” folder should be C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp. Therefore, if the MC Job Server is run as a service by the Local System account, the folder is one of the following:

For the 32bits version of Windows: C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Temp

For the 64bits version of Windows:


migration-center 3.2.4 Update 4


  • Outlook scanner:

    • Extract the email address of the following recipients: To, CC and BCC

    • Extract the number of attachments in the source attribute: AttachmentsCount

migration-center 3.2.4 Update 3


  • Documentum Scanner and Importer: now support the migration of aspects attached to documents and/or folders. Documentum CS and DFC 6.x or higher required.

  • New Documentum No Content Copy (“NCC”) Scanner and Importer: these customized variants of the regular Documentum adapters allow for fast metadata-only migration between Documentum, while preserving the references to content files. You can move or copy the content files separately at any point during or after the migration.


  • Documentation: fixed several errata in SharePoint Scanner and Importer User Guides in filenames, paths and URLs used throughout the respective documents

  • eRoom Scanner: fixed the mc_content_location system rule not appearing for documents scanned from eRoom, thus preventing changes to the content file’s location to be made for import if needed

  • migration-center Client: fixed issue with import of mapping lists containing keys differing only in character case. Now these are imported and treated as distinct values correctly.

  • Jobserver: fixed issue with establishing SSL connections from Jobserver with certain combination of adapters

  • Database Scanner: fixed Unexpected error occurred during content integrity checking message when migrating data scanned with the Database Scanner to target systems with importers supporting the content integrity check feature, which the Database Scanner itself does not support.

  • File System Scanner: Extended metadata containing values longer than 4000 bytes no longer errors out. Instead, the values are truncated to the max 4000 bytes supported by mc.

  • File System Scanner: fixed extraction of creation date and owner for files with paths longer than 260 characters

  • Scheduler: fixed Oracle error when interval for a scheduler was set to “Month”


  • SharePoint Importer: The ID that is stored after a successful import of an object in id_in_target_system changed from target list specific ID to global unique ID (GUID). This change maintains compatibility with data scanned using mc 3.2.4 U1 and U2 that still uses the list specific ID

Known Issues

  • MC Client: Importing a mapping list containing identical keys will silently skip the existing key. Solution: verify mapping lists before importing them to migration-center in order to remove or rename identical keys, mapping lists must always have unique keys.

migration-center 3.2.4 Update 2


  • File System Scanner: added new option to move successfully scanned files to a local path or UNC network path specified by the user. See the migration-center File System Scanner User Guide for more information on the new moveFilesToFolder parameter.

  • Installer: added option to specify location of log files during installation of migration-center Server Components. Log files were stored in the installation folder’s logs subfolder by default, now any valid local or UNC network path can be specified for storing the log files generated by migration-center during runtime. See the migration-center Installation Guide for more information about installing migration-center Server Components.


  • Database: removed dependency on Oracle SYS.UTL_TCP and SYS.UTL_SMTP packages for performing manual/regular migration activities. Note the scheduler still requires these packages in order to function, but it is now possible to use all other features of migration-center except the scheduler without the need to have access granted to these Oracle system packages.

migration-center 3.2.4 Update 1


  • SharePoint Importer: Support for importing folder objects (content type Folder and custom subtypes inheriting from Folder)

  • SharePoint Importer: Support for creating link objects (content type Link to a Document and custom subtypes inheriting from Link to a Document) (see the SharePoint Importer User Guide for more information)

  • Documentum Scanner: added “exportLatestVersions” to control the number of latest versions to scan (see the Documentum Scanner User Guide for more information)


  • SharePoint Scanner: fixed an issue causing a "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error during scan with certain configurations of Date and Time and Yes/No columns

migration-center 3.2.4


  • New Documentum D2 Importer*: currently supports D2 4.1, including D2 specific features such as autonaming, autolinking, rule based security, applying rules based on the document’s owner. etc.

  • New SharePoint Scanner*: currently supports SharePoint versions 2007/2010/2013, extraction of Document Libraries, exclusion of selected Content Types or file types, checksum generation for verifying content integrity after import, etc.

  • New Documentum DCM Importer*: currently supports DCM 5.3, including DCM specific features such as document classes, creating controlled documents, applying autonaming rules, setting specific lifecycle states and associated attributes for imported documents. etc.

  • Updated SharePoint Importer: now implemented as a SharePoint Solution (just like the new SharePoint Scanner), simplifying deployment and improving performance, reliability and error resilience

  • Updated SharePoint Importer with content integrity check feature (comparison of checksums computed during scan and import)

  • Updated Documentum Importer: now supports importing to Documentum 7 repositories

  • Updated box Importer: now works with the box API version 2.0 for improved performance and reliability; verification of content integrity can now be performed during import based on checksums computed by the importer and box respectively

  • Updated Documentum Scanner: now supports scanning Documentum 4i repositories (via DFC 5.3)

  • New parameter for Documentum Importer to toggle whether errors affecting individual renditions should be treated as warnings or errors affecting the entire document, thus preventing it from being imported (set to ignore errors and treat as warnings by default for compatibility with previous versions)

  • New parameter for Filesystem Scanner to ignore hidden files (false by default)

  • Documentation: added new document “migration-center Database Administrator’s Guide” detailing database installation requirements (privileges, packages, etc.) and procedures for deploying mc in environments where the regular database setup cannot be run, and the database must be prepared manually by a DBA for installing the mc schema

*New adapters must be purchased separately.


  • Scheduler: fixed an issue where a 24-hour time set was converted to 12-hour time

  • Scheduler: fixed an issue where the hourly interval was not taken into account if the scheduler was configured to run on a minutely or hourly basis

  • Documentum Scanner: fixed issue where the “scanNullAttributes” parameter’s functionality was reversed with regard to the parameter’s actual setting in the UI

  • Documentum/D2/DCM Importer: fixed an issue with the importer not properly handling certain null attribute values (in case the null value of an attribute resulted from null values returned by the If transformation function)

  • Filesystem Importer: fixed an issue causing errors when importing renditions for a selection of documents if some objects had renditions and others didn’t

  • FirstDoc Importer: fixed an issue with setting version labels in a particular case (Superseded 1.0 – Obsolete 1.1)

  • FirstDoc Importer: fixed an issue trying to delete already deleted relations

  • FirstDoc Importer: fixed objects no being rolled back in case errors occur during saving content

  • FirstDoc Importer: fixed objects not being rolled back in case errors occur during updating of ACLs and links

  • Documentation: minor corrections and additions in various documents


  • SharePoint Importer now integrates with SharePoint as a SharePoint Solution instead of the separate service component it used up to mc 3.2.3. This changes the requirements and deployment procedures for this adapter. These are described in the mc 3.2.4 SharePoint Importer User Guide

  • Database: Privilege “CREATE ANY JOB” is no longer required, “CREATE JOB” is now sufficient


  • SharePoint Scanner only scans complete Document Library items and cannot scan individual folders currently

  • SharePoint Importer only supports versioning using contiguous numbering

Known Issues

  • Scheduler: setting a time interval (the hours during which the scheduler is allowed to run) for a scheduler configured to run on a minutely or hourly basis will not be reflected correctly in the “Next run date” displayed. The scheduler will run as configured, the issue affects only the display of next run date.

  • Remaining issues from the main release 3.2 to 3.2.3 also apply to release 3.2.4 unless noted otherwise.

migration-center 3.2.3


  • New Microsoft Outlook Scanner – scan specified folders of a user’s mailbox from Outlook 2007-2010, including messages and their properties, choose to exclude particular subfolders or properties, etc. See the migration-center 3.2.3 – Outlook Scanner User Guide document for more information about this new adapter. As with all adapters, the Microsoft Outlook Scanner is available for purchase separately.

  • FirstDoc Importer now officially supports FirstDoc versions 6.3 and 6.4 (R&D)

  • Documentum Importer now supports setting rendition page modifiers and rendition file storage locations through transformation rules.


  • eRoom Scanner: fixed an issue leading to out of memory errors when scanning large files (several hundred megabytes each)

  • eRoom Scanner: fixed an issue with the skipContent parameter not working properly in some cases

  • Filesystem Scanner: fixed an issue where the scanner could fail to scan files equal to or larger than 4GB in size

  • FirstDoc Importer: fixed a memory leak issue related to session management


  • Documentum Scanner & Importer: Changed handling of rendition page modifiers (now exposed as a dedicated system attribute that can be set using transformation rules). See the “migration-center 3.2.3 – Documentum Importer User Guide” document for more information about this feature and how it may affects renditions scanned using older versions of the Documentum Scanner.

  • eRoom Scanner: changed naming of files extracted by the scanner to the mc storage location. This has been done in order to line up the eRoom Scanner’s behavior with the rest of mc’s scanner’s, which all use an object ID rather than actual filenames for the extracted content. This should not affect the regular workflow of a migration from eRoom, as all changes are handled internally by mc and are not exposed to the user (nor does or did the user need to interact with said files at any time).


  • The FirstDoc Importer cannot set Documentum system attributes such as creation and modify dates, creator and modifier user names, the i_is_deleted attribute, and so on. Setting these attributes is only supported using the Documentum Importer.

Known Issues

  • If a source attribute has the same name as one of migration-center’s internally used columns, the Client will display the value of the migration-center internal attribute for the source attribute as well. This occurs in Source Objects view. The issue also persists in the data exported to a CSV file if the CSV export is performed from Source Objects view. Other views or the View Attributes window will display the correct value of the respective source attribute.

  • Remaining issues for the main release 3.2 also apply to release 3.2.3 unless noted otherwise.

migration-center 3.2.2


  • Documentum Content Validation – checks content integrity of documents migrated to a Documentum repository by verifying an MD5 checksum of content files before and after the import. From a Documentum source both primary content and renditions can be checked, for other sources only the primary content is supported. The feature is available as an option in the Documentum Importer. See the migration-center 3.2.2 – Documentum Importer User Guide document for more information about this feature.

  • Documentum Audit Trails – the Documentum adapters now support the migration of audit trails. The Documentum Scanner can scan the audit trails of any folders and documents within the scanner’s scope. Audit trail objects can then be added to an Audit Trail migset and processed just like documents and folders. Finally, audit trails can be imported using the Documentum Importer. The new options available in the Documentum adapters for controlling and configuring the migration of audit trails are described in the migration-center 3.2.2 – Documentum Scanner User Guide and migration-center 3.2.2 – Documentum Importer User Guide respectively.

  • The Documentum Scanner has a new option, allowing an additional DQL statement to be executed for every object within the scope of the scan. This allows additional information to be collected for each object from sources other than the document’s properties. Other database tables (registered tables) for example can be queried using this option. See the migration-center 3.2.2 – Documentum Scanner User Guide for more information.

  • The Filesystem Scanner can now build versions from additional attributes (as long as these attributes can supply the required information. Two attributes per object are required for the feature to work, which can be named arbitrarily and can be defined in the fme metadata files associated with each content file. The attributes to be used as version identifier and version number by the scanner can be specified through additional options available in the Filesystem Scanner. See the migration-center 3.2.2 – Filesystem Scanner User Guide for more information.

  • The SharePoint Importer can now update previously imported objects (if the objects had been modified in the source and scanned as updates)


  • Documentum Importer: Fixed an issue where importing an update to a Microsoft Word 8.0-2003 document would set the wrong format for the updated document (a_content_type was set to “doc” instead of “msw8” previously)

  • Documentum Importer: Fixed an issue with importing Filesystem objects to Documentum when user defined version labels were set in transformation rules. Depending on how the labels were set, documents could end up all having CURRENT labels set, or having no CURRENT labels at all. Now the most recently imported version is always set as CURRENT, regardless of the CURRENT label set in Transformation Rules.

  • Transformation Engine: Fixed an issue where Validating a migration set would validate objects that have been already validated again, which didn’t make sense.

  • Scheduler: fixed issues where a Scheduler would stop working after several hundred runs and required to be stopped and restarted manually, or report a run as having finished with errors although there were none.

  • SharePoint Importer: Fixed an issue with the SharePoint Importer where it would set values of multiline columns as literal HTML code sometimes.

  • SharePoint Importer: Fixed an issue where during import the Comment column was set to value “Version checked in by migration-center” automatically.

  • Box Importer: improved performance and reliability when importing large files (several hundred MB)

  • Box Importer: fixed issue where the progress would indicate 100% for the entire duration of a large file being uploaded, with no actual progress being visible to the user

  • Box Importer: fixed an issue where the max number of threads allowed is set for the importer and wrong credentials are entered – this caused connections to the database to be opened but not closed, exceeding the maximum number of connections allowed by the database after some time.


  • FirstDoc Importer: Changed handling of application number from regulatory dictionary to work around issue where duplicate application numbers are used. See the migration-center 3.2.2 – FirstDoc Importer User Guide document for more information about this feature.


  • Documentum Content Validation relies on a checksum computed during scan to compare the checksum it computes after import against. Currently only the Documentum and Filesystem Scanner have the option of computing the required checksum during scan (Documentum Scanner: main content and renditions; Filesystem Scanner: only main content). Scanners for other source systems could of course be extended to also compute a checksum during scan time which the Documentum Content Validator could use.

Known Issues

  • The SharePoint Importer and the FirstDoc Importer cannot function together due to some conflicting Java methods. Workaround: use only one of the adapters on a given machine by deleting the other adapter’s folder from the migration-center Server Components libs subfolder.

  • Same issues as for the main release 3.2 also apply to release 3.2.2

migration-center 3.2


As a major feature, migration-center 3.2 provides several new adapters for various source and target systems, listed below. The interaction between scanners and importers has also been reworked, so now scanners and importers are no longer required to exist in pairs in order to work together. Instead, any scanner/importer exists as a generic, standalone adapter that can be used in combination with any other available scanner/importer, allowing for any combination of source and target systems possible using the available adapters.

The adapters available for migration-center 3.2 are:

  • Documentum Scanner

  • eRoom Scanner

  • Filesystem Scanner

  • Database Scanner

  • Documentum Importer

  • Filesystem Importer

  • Box Importer

  • Alfresco Importer

  • SharePoint Importer

  • FirstDoc Importer

Filesystem-Documentum adapters have been discontinued and replaced by generic Filesystem and Documentum adapters respectively. The new adapters perform the same while at the same time allowing interaction between any scanner and importer.

Consult the individual adapters’ User Guide documents for detailed information regarding supported functionalities and systems.

Changes and Improvements

  • migration-center 3.2 now requires the Java Runtime Environment 1.6 It will not work with older versions.

  • Filesystem-Documentum Scanner has been replaced by generic Filesystem Scanner which generates content able to be migrated using Documentum Importer or other importers to the respective target systems

  • Documentum Scanner is no longer connected to the Documentum Importer and generates content able to be migrated using other importers as well

  • Filesystem-Documentum Importer has been replaced by generic Documentum Importer which can accept and import content from any scanner, including filesystem or Documentum sources

  • Documentum Importer: improved performance for importing large numbers of Virtual Documents by up to 15% by skipping some unneeded processing

  • Documentum Scanner: content files are now written to the export location by using the Windows/DOS extension corresponding to the respective formats instead of the Documentum format name used previously. This is necessary to facilitate interaction between the Documentum Scanner and various importers targeted at other content management systems that rely on the Windows/DOS extension to work properly.

  • Documentum Scanner has a new “skipContent” parameter - enabling it skips extraction of the actual content, thus saving time during scan. The feature is intended to be used for testing or other special purposes; not recommended to enable for production use.

  • Filesystem Scanner can now detect changes to external metadata files as well instead of just the main content file and can add the updated metadata as an update to the object. This is useful for scenarios where the content is expected to change less frequently than the external metadata files.

  • Filesystem Scanner now also supports reading external metadata for folders, providing the same functionalities as for file metadata.

  • Filesystem Scanner has a new “ignoreAttributes” parameter – this allows defining a list of unwanted attributes that should be ignored during scan. This mostly applies to attributes coming from external metadata files of from extended metadata from the files’ contents

  • Filesystem Scanner has a new “ignoreWarnings” parameter – this allows scanning documents even if some of their metadata (owner or creation date) cannot be extracted or if the external metadata file is missing. Use only if that kind of information is not critical for the migration, and/or would otherwise cause too many files to be skipped.

  • Client/Transformation Engine: system attributes are no longer available to be associated on the “Associations” page of the “Transformation Rules” window. These are used automatically by the respective importers and did not need to be associated anyway

  • Client/Transformation Engine: set default rule to be pre-selected in the “Get type name from” drop-down list on the “Associations” page for all the different object types (user can of course change the selection if desired)


  • Documentum Scanner: fixed an isolated issue where a particular combination of scanner parameters, source attribute values and objects without content would prevent such objects from being scanned

  • Documentum Importer: fixed an issue where adding a new version of a document with less values for a repeating attribute than the previous version had for the same repeating attribute would keep the previous version’s repeating attribute values which exceeded the number of attribute values present in the currently added version

  • Documentum Importer: fixed an issue where an underscore character (“_”) in a rendition file’s path was interpreted as a page modifier separator, leading to unexpected errors. Now the “_” character’s role as a page modifier separator correctly applies to a rendition’s filename only, not its entire path

  • Documentum Importer: fixed an issue where the CURRENT version label was not updated correctly in case an object and updates of that object were imported together

  • Documentum Importer: fixed an issue where updating folder objects during import would not clear empty attributes in case those attributes had values different from null before the update.

  • Filesystem Scanner: fixed an issue where the modification date for folders would not be scanned

  • Filesystem Scanner: removed “content location” value for folder objects added previously by scanner since folders do not have content of their own. This does not influence functionality.

  • Filesystem Scanner: fixed error extracting extended metadata from PDF files

  • Filesystem Scanner: fixed some discrepancies with object counts in log files when scanning updated objects

  • Transformation engine: a multi-value rule is now validated against the multi-value setting of the attribute it is associated with, so trying to set multiple values for an attribute defined as single value for example will now throw a validation error.

  • Client: fixed an issue where the Object History feature did not return results at all under certain circumstances

  • Client: fixed multiple minor issues related to focusing and scrolling in various grids/lists


  • Database: installation of the Oracle database schema can only be performed with the “sys” user

  • Database: multiple mc database schemata are not supported on the same database instance

  • Database installer: avoid running the database installer from folder locations containing “(“ or “)” characters in the path

  • Documentum Features: Cabinets: dm_cabinet objects currently cannot be represented as individual objects in mc, hence mc cannot store or set specific attributes for cabinets eitheri

  • Documentum Features: Cabinets: mc cannot migrate empty cabinets (i.e. dm_cabinet objects with no other objects linked to it) for reasons stated abovei

  • Documentum Features: Relations: support for migrating dm_relation type objects is limited to relations between dm_document and dm_folder type objects (and their respective subtypes)i

  • Documentum Features: Virtual documents: the snapshot feature of virtual documents is not supportedi

  • Documentum Scanner: for the DQL query to be accepted by the scanner it must conform to the following template: “select r_object_id from <dm_document|subtype of dm_document> (where …)”. Other data returned by the query or object types other than dm_document (or its subtypes) is not supported.

  • Documentum Scanner: the ExportVersions option needs to be checked for scanning Virtual Documents (i.e. if the ExportVirtualDocuments option is checked) even if the virtual documents themselves do not have multiple versions, otherwise the virtual documents export might produce unexpected results. This is because the VD parents may still reference child objects which are not current versions of those respective objects. This is not an actual product limitation, but rather an issue caused by this particular combination of Scanner options and Documentum’s VD features

  • Documentum Scanner: scanning dm_folder type objects using the DQL option is not supported currently.

  • Documentum Importer: the importer does not support importing multiple updates of the same object in the same run (or the base object and of its updates). Every update of an object must be imported in different runs (this is how it would happen during normal conditions anyway)

  • Update migration: Objects deleted from the source will not be detected and the corresponding target object will not be deleted (if already imported)

  • Update migration: whether a source object has been updated is determined by checking the i_vstamp and r_modify_date attributes; source objects changed by third party code/applications which do not touch these attributes might not be detected by mc

  • Client: the client application does not support multi-byte characters, such as characters encoded with Unicode. This does not affect the migration of such information, but merely limits the Client’s ability to display such values on screen; multi-byte characters are supported and processed accordingly by migration-center’s Database and Server components, which are the components involved in the actual data processingi

  • eRoom Scanner: scanning updates of eRoom objects is not supported currently; this also applies to newly added versions to a previously migrated object. Only newly created objects will be detected and migrated. This is due to the way eRoom handles object IDs internally, which prevents mc from correctly detecting changes to versioned objects. The full functionality may be implemented in a future release.

  • Filesystem Importer: does not import folders as standalone objects. Folders will be created as a result of the path information attached to the documents though, so folder structures are not lost. The full functionality may be implemented in a future release.

  • Database Scanner: the database adapter does not extract content from a database, only metadata. Content can be specified by the user during the transformation process via the mc_content_location system attribute. It may be necessary to extract the content to the filesystem first by other means before migration-center can process it. Content extraction functionality may be implemented in a future release.

  • Attributes: The maximum length of an attribute name is 100 bytesi

  • Attributes: The maximum length of an attribute value is 4000 bytesi

  • Attributes: The maximum length of a path for a file system object is 512 bytesi Note: all max supported string lengths are specified in bytes. This equals characters as long as the characters are single-byte characters (i.e. Latin characters). For multi-byte characters (as used by most languages and scripts having other than the basic Latin characters) it might result in less than the equivalent number of characters, depending on the number and byte length of multi-byte characters within the string (as used in UTF-8 encoding)

Known Issues

  • Documentum Importer: During runtime, the importer creates a registered table for internal use; this table will be not deleted after the import process has finished because it might be used by other importers running concurrently on other Jobservers. Since an importer job running on one Jobserver does not know about any importers that may be running on other Jobservers, it cannot tell whether it is safe to delete the table, which is why it is left in place. This registered table does not store actual data; it acts as a view to data already stored by Documentum. It is safe to remove this registered table once the migration project is finished. The following query is used to create the registered table: register table dm_dbo.dm_sysobject_s (r_object_id char(16), r_modify_date DATE, r_modifier char(32), r_creator_name char(32))

  • Documentum Scanner: if several scanners are running concurrently and are scanning overlapping locations (e.g. due to objects being linked into multiple locations), a scanner might detect an object scanned earlier by another scanner as an update, although nothing has changed about that object. This has been observed in combination with relations attached to the objects. This will result in some redundant object appearing as updates while they are in fact the same, but apart from this the final result of the migration is not affected in any way. The redundant objects will be handled like regular objects/updates and imported accordingly.

  • Documentum: If the group_permit, world_permit, owner_permit AND acl_domain, acl_name attributes are configured to be migrated together the *_permit attributes will override the permissions set by the acl_* attributes. This is due to Documentum’s inner workings and not migration-center. Also, Documentum will not throw an error in such a case, which makes it impossible for migration-center to tell that the acl_* attributes have been overridden and as such it will not report an error either, considering that all attributes have been set correctly. It is advised to use either the *_permit attributes OR the acl_* attributes in the same rule set in order to set permissions.

  • Transformation engine: Transformation Rules window/Associations page: if object types are added and no attributes are associated for these object types all objects matching the respective types will be migrated with no attribute values set (except for system attributes handled automatically by Documentum). Avoid adding object types without associating all required attributes for the respective types.

  • Client: on rare occasions, some windows or parts of a window will flicker or fail to refresh their contents. To work around issues like these, use the window’s Refresh button, scroll the window left/right, or close and re-open the affected window if nothing else helps.

  • Client: when editing an object type’s definition and trying to change an attribute’s type the drop-down list will not appear on Microsoft Windows 7 systems unless miglient.exe is configured to run with “Disable visual themes” (option can set on the Compatibility page in the executable’s properties)

  • Client: trying to import a mapping list from a file will not work on Microsoft Windows 7 systems because the context menu containing the command will not appear unless miglient.exe is configured to run in Windows XP compatibility mode (option can set on the Compatibility page in the executable’s properties)

  • Client: After using "Export to CSV" the folder where the CSV file has been saved is still in use by migration-center Client

  • Scheduler: the scheduler may report runs that finished with warnings during import as having finished with errors instead. Make sure to check any scheduler history entries listed as “Finished with errors” to determine whether the cause is an actual error condition or merely a warning, which is not a critical condition.

  • Installer: The migration-client installer does not work with User Account Control enabled in Windows 7. Please either disable UAC for the duration of the installation, or if installation needs to be performed using UAC enabled, manually grant full access permissions for the required users on the installation folders afterwards

Database update from previous versions: as a result of the update process increasing the default size for attribute fields to 4000 bytes (up from the previous 2000 bytes), Oracle’s internal data alignment structures may fragment. This can result in a performance drop of up to 20% when working with updated data (apparent when transforming/validating/resetting). A clean installation is not affected, neither is new data which is added to an updated database, because in these cases the new data will be properly aligned to the new 4000 byte sized fields as it is added to the database.

Last updated

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