Install migration-center on AWS
AWS Deployment
migration-center supports AWS deployment using Terraform.
Following the steps below will result in an AWS deployment containing an RDS Postgres database and an EC2 instance with the migration-center WebClient and Jobserver installed and running, and the Database component install files for installing on the Postgres instance with your own migration-center license.
Obtain your AWS account ID and your desired region (e.g. eu-central-1) and share it with FME (to to get access to the AMI for Migration Center.
Download the Terraform archive ( corresponding to your region from the fileexchange platform.
Install Terraform on your system by downloading the Terraform executable and setting the PATH environment variable. See:
Install AWS CLI. See:
Log into the the AWS CLI:
Get your user's Access key. IAM -> Users -> <user-name>-> Access Keys (If you don't have one create a new one for Command Line Interface (CLI))
Open a CMD and log in to your AWS account using the
aws configure
command:Set the default region to your desired one (e.g., eu-central-1).
Set the default output format (you can use json).
Create Infrastructure
Download and unzip the Migration Center Terraform Archive.
Open a CMD and navigate to the directory of the extracted archive.
Run Terraform commands:
terraform init
andterraform apply
Set desired values for the requested variables:
var.ami_id: The ID of the AMI instance received from migration-center support.
var.create: If set to "1" (true), the RDS Postgres database will be created. If set to "0" (false) the database will not be created and database parameters from this script are ignored.
var.db_hostname: The hostname for your RDS Postgres database instance. The name must be unique across all DB instances owned by your AWS account in the current AWS Region. Your DB Hostname can only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters.
var.db_name: The name for your RDS Postgres database. Your DB Name can only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters.
var.deployment_size: The size of the deployment. Possible options: demo, small, medium, large
var.ec2_name: The name of the EC2 Instance.
var.password: Password for the RDS Postgres database admin user. Note that this may show up in logs and it will be stored in the state file.
var.region: AWS region where the infrastructure will be created (eg. eu-central-1)
Once the command finishes it will display your rds_endpoint. Please save this!
Connect to the VM
Navigate to the EC2 Dashboard: EC2 -> Instances.
Select your instance.
Click the "CONNECT" button on the top bar and choose your desired connection method.
Default Username and Password
User: Administrator
Password: O9dz5o?&WgDCvp?(ur70G5T%nfk5SFGH
For security reasons please change the default password after login.
Install the Database
Run the InstallPostgreDataBase.bat file found inside the MC Database Install kit folder on the desktop.
When asked to connect to the Postgres database use the following information:
User: postgres
Password: The var.password variable previously set.
Host: The value of your rds_endpoint without the port. Example: For rds_endpoint: Host:
Port: 5432
Database Name: The var.db_name variable previously set.
Follow the steps as described in the Install Guide for the rest of the installation.
The WebClient and the Jobserver will come preinstalled on your machine.
Verify Installation
Open a web browser.
Access the Migration Center Webclient using the URL: https://localhost/mc-web-client/login
Set up a connection to the database. Select PostgreSQL for the type and use the values from steps 3 to 5 from the Install the Database section above.
Log in using the fmemc user. (default password: migration123)
Last updated
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