D2 InPlace Adapter


The D2 InPlace adapter takes the objects processed in migration-center and imports them back in a Documentum or D2 repository. D2 InPlace adapter extends Documentum InPlace adapter and it works together only with Documentum scanner.

D2 InPlace adapter supports a limited amount of D2 features besides the ones already available in Documentum InPlace adapter such as applying auto-security functionality, auto-linking functionality, auto-naming functionality and validating the values against a property page. All these D2 features can be applied based on the owner user or the migration user.

The D2 InPlace currently supports the following D2 versions: 16.5, 16.6, 20.2, 20.4.

An importer works as a job that can be run at any time, and can even be executed repeatedly. For every run a detailed history and log file are created. It is defined by a unique name, a set of configuration parameters and an optional description.

D2 InPlace adapters can be created, configured, started and monitored through migration-center Client, while the corresponding processes are executed in the background by migration-center Job Server.

Supported D2 Content Server versions

The supported D2 Content Server versions are 20.2, 20.4, including service packs. Any combinations of DFC versions and Content Server versions supported by Opentext Documentum are also supported by migration-center’s D2 InPlace Importer, but it is recommended to use the DFC version matching the version of the Content Server targeted for import. The DFC must be installed and configured on every machine where migration-center Server Components is deployed.

Common features with DCTM inPlace

The D2 inPlace adapter supports all the regular DCTM based features supported by the DCTM inPlace adapter. Please refer to the Documentum inPlace Adapter user guide for details.

D2 InPlace Properties

To create a new adapter, select "D2InPlace" in the adapter Type drop down of the importer. After this, the list below will be filled with the specific D2InPlace parameters.

The Properties window of an importer can be accessed by double-clicking an importer in the list, by selecting the Properties button from the toolbar or from the context menu.

Common importer parameters

Configuration parameters



Enter a unique name for this adapter.


Adapter type

Select the “D2InPlace” adapter from the list of available adapters



Select the Job Server location where this job should be run. Job Servers are defined in the Jobserver window. If no Job Server migration-center will prompt the user to define a Job Server Location when saving the Scanner.



Enter a description for this job (optional)

D2 InPlace importer parameters

Configuration parameters



Username for connecting to the target repository.

A user account with super user privileges must be used to support the full D2/Documentum functionality offered by migration-center.



The user’s password.



Name of the target repository. The target repository must be accessible from the machine where the selected Job Server is running.



Flag indicating if the metadata will not be updated but only the content should be moved. This will save some processing in case there is no need to update any metadata.


This option will be used for letting the importer automatically create any missing folders that are part of “dctm_obj_link” or “r_folder_path”.

Use this option to have migration-center re-create a folder structure at the target repository during import. If the target repository already has a fixed/predefined folder structure and creating new folders is not desired, deselect this option


String. The Documentum folder type name used when automatically creating the missing object links. If left empty, dm_folder will be used as default type.


Flag indicating if renditions will be moved to the new storage. If checked, all renditions and primary content are moved otherwise only the primary content is moved.


Flag indicating if checkout documents will be moved to new storage. If not checked, the importer will throw an error if a document is checked out.


Flag indicating if the content will be removed from the original storage. If checked, the content is removed from the original storage, otherwise the content remains there.


The file path on the content server where the log related to move content operations will be saved. The folder must exist on the content server. If it does not exist, the log will not be created at all. A value must be set when move content feature is activated by the setting of attribute “a_storage_type”.


Enable or disable D2’s auto-naming rules on import.


Enable or disable D2’s auto-linking rules on import.


Enable or disable D2’s auto-security rules on import.


Apply D2 rules based on the current document’s owner, rather than the user configured to run the import process.


The number threads that will be used for importing objects. Maximum allowed is 20.


Sets the verbosity of the log file.


1 - logs only errors during scan

2 - is the default value reporting all warnings and errors

3 - logs all successfully performed operations in addition to any warnings or errors

4 - logs all events (for debugging only, use only if instructed by fme product support since it generates a very large amount of output. Do not use in production)


Last updated

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