Third Party Open Source Libraries
This section provides information about the third party open source libraries used in the migration-center core and its connectors. Provided bellow are the library names, the license under which they are being used and links to the specific version being used.
MC Core
Apache Commons Lang
Apache 2.0
Apache Commons Collections
Apache 2.0
Apache HttpComponents Client
Apache 2.0
Oracle JDBC Driver
Oracle License Agreement
Spring JDBC
Apache 2.0
Spring Boot Starter
Apache 2.0
Spring Boot Starter Integration
Apache 2.0
Logback-Classic module
EPL 1.0
LGPL 2.1
Source Connectors
This connector contains no third party open source libraries.
Apache Commons Lang
Apache 2.0
The Apache Commons CSV
Apache 2.0
Apache POI API Based On OPC and OOXML Schemas
Apache 2.0
Streaming Excel reader
Apache 2.0
SpringFramework Core
Apache 2.0
SpringFramework Beans
Apache 2.0
SpringFramework JDBC
Apache 2.0
SpringFramework Transaction
Apache 2.0
Commons Database Connection Pooling
Apache 2.0
Apache Commons Logging
Apache 2.0
Commons Object Pooling Library
Apache 2.0
Apache Commons Collections
Apache 2.0
Apache Commons Digester3
Apache 2.0
Jackons Core
Apache 2.0
Jackson Annotations
Apache 2.0
Jackson Databind
Apache 2.0
Opentext (OTCS)
Apache Commons Lang
Apache 2.0
This connector does not use any third party open source libraries.
Apache Commons Lang
Apache 2.0
Sharepoint Online
Apache Commons Lang
Apache 2.0
Apache Commons Lang
Apache 2.0
Apache Commons Collections
Apache 2.0
Target Connectors
This connector contains no third party open source libraries.
D2 SDK and its dependencies
Generis Cara
Apache Commons Lang
Apache 2.0
Apache Commons Validator
Apache 2.0
Apache Commons Collections
Apache 2.0
Jackson Annotations
Apache 2.0
Jackson Core
Apache 2.0
Jackson Databind
Apache 2.0
Jackson Datatype: JDK8
Apache 2.0
Jackson Datatype: JSR310
Apache 2.0
Spring Core
Apache 2.0
Spring Context
Apache 2.0
Spring WebSocket
Apache 2.0
Spring Messaging
Apache 2.0
Tyrus Standalone Client
CDDL 1.1 GPL 2.0
Hyland OnBase
Apache Commons Collections
Apache 2.0
Apache Commons Lang
Apache 2.0
Apache Commons Lang
Apache 2.0
Apache Commons Collections
Apache 2.0
Opentext (OTCS)
Apache Commons Lang
Apache 2.0
Apache Commons Lang
Apache 2.0
Apache Commons Logging
Apache 2.0
Apache HttpComponents Client Fluent
Apache 2.0
Apache HttpComponents Client
Apache 2.0
Apache HttpComponents HttpClient - Cache
Apache 2.0
Apache HttpComponents HttpClient - MIME
Apache 2.0
Apache HttpComponents Core
Apache 2.0
Sharepoint Online Batch
Apache Commons Lang
Apache 2.0
Apache Commons Collections
Apache 2.0
Sparta Trackwise
Apache Commons Collections
Apache 2.0
Apache Commons Lang
Apache 2.0
Spring Framework: Mock
Apache 2.0
Spring Boot Starter Integration
Apache 2.0
Apache Commons Lang
Apache 2.0
Apache Commons Collections
Apache 2.0
Webclient - Core
Apache Commons Lang
Apache 2.0
Apache Commons Collections
Apache 2.0
Logback Classic
EPL 1.0 / LGPL 2.1
Junit Jupiter API
EPL 2.0
Webclient - Rest Api
Apache Commons Lang
Apache 2.0
Apache Commons Collections
Apache 2.0
Logback Classic
EPL 1.0 / LGPL 2.1
Junit Jupiter API
EPL 2.0
Spring Context
Apache 2.0
Spring Boot Starter Test
Apache 2.0
Spring Boot Starter Web
Apache 2.0
Spring Boot Starter Security
Apache 2.0
Spring Boot Starter Jpa
Apache 2.0
Spring Boot Starter Validation
Apache 2.0
Spring Boot Starter Actuator
Apache 2.0
Springdoc Openapi UI
Apache 2.0
JSON Web Token Support For The Jvm
Apache 2.0
Jackson Dataformat XML
Apache 2.0
ModelMapper Jackson Extension
Apache 2.0
Jackson Databind
Apache 2.0
Apache Commons Lang
Apache 2.0
Apache Commons Collections
Apache 2.0
Logback Classic
EPL 1.0 / LGPL 2.1
Junit Jupiter API
EPL 2.0
Micrometer Registry Prometheus
Apache 2.0
Oracle Free Use Terms and Conditions (
Spring Context
Apache 2.0
Spring Boot Starter Web
Apache 2.0
Springdoc OpenApi UI
Apache 2.0
Apache HttpClient
Apache 2.0
JSON Web Token Support For The Jvm
Apache 2.0
Jackson Dataformat XML
Apache 2.0
ModelMapper Jackson Extension
Apache 2.0
Spring Boot Starter Security
Apache 2.0
Spring Boot Starter Data Jpa
Apache 2.0
Spring Boot Starter Aop
Apache 2.0
Spring Boot Starter Tomcat
Apache 2.0
Jackson Databind
Apache 2.0
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